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"Amir Humo" Foundation

Since 2010, the Faculty of Humanities has awarded the “Amir Humo” scholarship. Mr. Sc. Amir Humo was permanently employed at the Faculty of Humanities as an assistant in the subjects of British Civilization and American Civilization. He was born on August 7, 1975 in Sarajevo. He graduated from The Florida State University, College of Social Sciences, and received his Master of Science degree from the Faculty of Humanities on January 16, 2010.

A month later, on February 17, 2010, Amir Humo left us forever. In his memory, the Humo family decided to establish the “Amir Humo” Foundation and to financially support the best students of the Faculty of Humanities through scholarships. At the same time, and according to the family’s wishes, this was also one of the ways to cherish the memory of our Amir.

If you would like to support the work of the Foundation and help co-finance students, you can deposit your financial contributions to the bank account: 1610200004860283.

We would like to thank the Humo family for the support they regularly provide to our best students.

Tina Marić, fourth-year student of the Department of English Language and Literature. The scholarship is on 11.12. In 2018, Mrs. Emina Humo.

  1. Ramajana Nazdraić, student of the Department of German Language and Literature;
  2. Azra Maslo, student of the Department of History;
  3. Fatima Čolaković, student of the Department of English Language and Literature;
  4. Fatima Trbonja, student of the Department of Bosnian Language and Literature;
  5. Aldin Zahirović, student of the Department of History;
  6. Anisa Husnić, student of the Department of Bosnian Language and Literature;
  7. Sabina Šuta, student of the Department of German Language and Literature;
  8. Šejla Tucaković, student of the Department of Communication;
  9. Aida Mustafić, student of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature;
  10. Amra Elezović, student of the Department of German Language and Literature;
  11. Nermana Suša, student of the Department of Communication;
  12. Saudina Mrndžić, student of the Department of Communication;
  13. Ali Kamer Aksoy, student of the Department of Turkish Language and Literature;
  14. Tina Marić, student of the Department of English Language and Literature.

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