The first steps towards the establishment of the Faculty were made in 1999, when the Department of Languages was established. Two departments started their activities then:
- Department of Bosnian language and literature, as a two-subject four-year study
- Department of English Language and Literature, as a three-year course
However, the social need for humanities personnel opened up new perspectives and visions for development. On March 25, 2002, by the Decision of the Council of the Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar, the Faculty of Humanities was officially established, and major changes occurred. By developing new study programs, the Faculty achieved significant results in all segments of scientific and research work. It is important to emphasize that the above results are the fruit of the selfless efforts of all employees, especially the founder of the Faculty and its first dean, Professor Emeritus Elbisa Ustamujić.
It is also worth mentioning that we have managed to develop significant scientific activity with our own resources. It should be mentioned that, since 2006, we have been publishing a scientific-research journal entitled Istraživanja, in which we publish scientific papers in the fields of linguistics, literature, history and communication studies. The participation of our teachers in numerous scientific conferences of a domestic and international nature has also been noted, and the Faculty also provides some support to employees in the process of their scientific-research advancement.
In the academic year 2008, the Faculty's Academic Council adopted a new Curriculum, enabling candidates to study according to the Bologna principles and standards. In all departments of the Faculty of Humanities, a study concept based on the 4 + 1 principle was introduced, which practically means that after passing the exams in the first four years and defending the diploma thesis, a student has the right to a university degree and enroll in the second cycle, i.e. a master's degree. The master's degree at the Faculty of Humanities begins in the academic year 2012/13.
The curriculum foresees its duration in the length of one academic year, after which the master's students will acquire the title of master of profession. Interested candidates will be able to continue their training on a three-year doctoral course, after which they will obtain the title of Doctor of Humanities.