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Institute for Humanities

The Institute for Humanities of the Faculty of Humanities of the Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar, as a scientific research institution, deals with social and related research characterized by fostering interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, and developing logistics for empirical research.

The Institute's activities include scientific research in: literature, languages, history, cultural heritage, communication research, philosophy, dramatic arts and other humanities, as well as the affirmation and support of the core activities of the Faculty of Humanities through the Institute's organizational centers.

The organization of the Institute is defined through the activities of the centers and their departments.

  • Department for Ancient and Middle Ages
  • Department of Modern and Contemporary History.

The main activity of the Center for Research on the History of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the scientific study of the history of our country in all historical eras, from antiquity to the modern era.

  • Department for the Study of Monuments of Material Culture
  • Department for the study of written sources, audio and video recordings and image sources.

The main activity of the Center for the Study of Cultural and Historical Heritage is the recording, study and promotion of previously unexplored cultural and historical monuments in Herzegovina.

  • Media Research Department
  • Department for Public Opinion Research.

The Center for Communication Research within the department will engage in scientific research and professional development of media employees in terms of strengthening the general level of knowledge of journalists, as well as their orientation to certain journalistic specialties, education in the field of public relations and business communication. The Center will organize research workshops and conduct research for third parties.

The Center's scientific research activities will serve to advance knowledge in the field of public relations, the role of the media in contemporary society, and raise standards in academic research in these areas, as well as promote the values of democratic media culture and communication culture in general.

  • Department of Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian language
  • German Language Department
  • English Department
  • Department of Turkish Language.

The Center for Linguistic Research will perform the following tasks:

- collect, process and publish manuscript and archival material in Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, English, German and Turkish languages;

– work on improving the skills of scientific and professional staff in the field of linguistics of the mentioned languages;

– cooperate with similar institutions in the country and abroad;

– publish the results of scientific research through its publications.

In addition to the aforementioned activities, this department also offers a text proofreading service, as well as teaching Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian languages for foreigners.

In addition to the above activities, the department also offers translation services from English/German and into English/German, as well as English/German language courses aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

  • Department of Bosnian and Herzegovinian and South Slavic Literature
  • Department of American and English Literature
  • Department of German Literature
  • Department of Turkish Literature.

The Center for Literary Theoretical Research will engage in literary theoretical, literary historical, comparative and poetic research, and will be open to intra-regional as well as international cooperation and exchange of scientific knowledge and academic staff with educational and cultural institutions of a similar profile.

This department will scientifically evaluate current topics in the fields of English, American, German, and Turkish literature and connect academic staff from the aforementioned fields.

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