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1st cycle

Undergraduate studies are organized and conducted in accordance with the Law on Higher Education in the Herzegovina-Neretva Canton and the Study Rules based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS).

The first cycle curriculum at the Faculty of Humanities is a three-year ( 180 ECTS ) or four-year ( 240 ECTS ) study program based on the Bologna Declaration. In accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), one academic year carries 60 ECTS , and one semester carries 30 ECTS credits.

The number of study credits for an individual course is determined according to the total student workload (theoretical and/or practical classes, exercises, seminars, etc.), the time the student spends working on independent tasks (homework, projects, seminar papers, etc.), and the time spent studying in preparation for knowledge assessment and assessment (tests, final exam, etc.).

All persons who have completed a four-year high school in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as persons who have completed a four-year high school abroad, have the right to enroll in undergraduate studies, and the further procedure is carried out according to the procedures established by the Senate, in accordance with the Law and the Statute, before the announcement of the competition for student enrollment.

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